At care hospital, we routinely get patients with complaints of blood in the stool. Hematochezia or Rectal bleeding is the slow passage of red blood from the anus alongside poop. Such condition is also referred to as Bleed per rectum.
These signs of bleeding range from being harmless, annoying such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures prompted by straining against hard stools with constipation to genuinely severe medical conditions such as cancer. Blood in the seatas it is also known as requires examination/investigation by a gastroenterologist.
Diagnosis :
To determine the exact site of bleeding, an upper Gastrointestinal endoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, or Colonoscopy is done by our lead consultant Dr. Gursewak Singh. These trans-anal procedures take few minutes done under local anesthesia and with the experience and skill of our doctors , it continues to be the fastest and reliable procedure available.
Generally, rectal bleeding comes from the colon, rectum, or anus, and these are primarily associated with diarrhea.
The color of the passing blood during rectal bleeding often points us about the bleeding point in the gastrointestinal tract. The rule of thumb being, the closer the bleeding site to the anus, the passing blood tends to be fresh and bright red.
Hence, we observe in our patients bleeding from the anus, rectum, and the sigmoid colon is a brighter red, while as such rectal bleeding from the transverse colon and the right colon (which are at several feet distance from the anus) tend to be maroon colored, dark red or blackish.
Treatment For Bleed Per Rectum
The Treatment for rectal bleeding precisely depends on the cause and likely source of the bleeding. Regardless of the source of bleeding, Treatment in cases of significant blood loss begins by stabilizing the patient's condition and monitoring vitals. Further Treatment depends on the suspected source of bleeding. Our gastroenterologist will examine and evaluate your investigations under the supervision of Dr. Gursewak Singh – DM Gastroenterology and chart out a treatment plan. A patient may be required to get admitted to Care Hospital Bathinda.