In a colonoscopy, the clinician uses a colonoscopy, which is a flexible tube near half an inch in diameter. The highly advance probe is lowered through the anus to screen and transmit live images of the lining of the colon. The visual probe gives a doctor better insight into any abnormalities.
Colonoscopy scans through your entire colon that includes rectum, Anal canal, Sigmoid colon, descending colon, transverse, ascending colon. With the experience and hi-end colonoscopes, these procedures are done seamlessly at the Care Hospital in Bathinda.
Pre-test preparation and Advisory?
Patients should not have a solid diet some 16-18 hours before this procedure. For this test, Polyethlene glycol powder is dissolved in 2 liters of drinking water. Patient then consumes it for 2 hours. Soon the patient will pass motion around 8-10 times so that the entire colon is cleaned.
It will take 4 to 6 hrs to clean the whole colon after consumption of the liquid. A Patient should continue routine medicine if any. The modern Colonoscopy use cutting edge technology incluing high resolution cameras and are extremly thin and flexible to ensure the whole procedure is least painful . Care Hospital Bathinda uses all such modern equiments to make it seamless and stress free for our patints . Patients are put under light local sedation and there is no pain even after the procedure among most patients.